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更新时间:2024-07-01 18:48:12 人气指数:

What does "second" mean? How do you say "second" in English?

Have you ever come across the word "second" and wondered what it means in English? Well, let"s find out!

Definition of "second"

"Second" is a noun that has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are a few common definitions of the word:

- The position in a sequence that follows first

- A unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute

- A person who supports or assists another person

- An additional opportunity or chance to do something

How to say "second" in English?

The word "second" can be translated into English in several ways, depending on its specific meaning:

- When referring to the position in a sequence, it is simply "second." For example, "He finished second in the race."

- If you are talking about a unit of time, it is pronounced as "second" as well. For instance, "Wait a second, I need to grab my coat."

- When "second" means a person who assists or supports, it can be translated as "assistant" or "supporter." For example, "She is the second in command."

- In the sense of an additional opportunity, you can use phrases like "extra chance" or "another opportunity" to convey the meaning. For instance, "He was given a second chance to prove himself."

Common expressions with "second"

Now that you know the meaning and translation of "second," here are a few common expressions that use this word:

- "Second fiddle": This phrase means to be in a subordinate or less important position.

- "Second thoughts": It refers to doubts or reconsideration of a decision.

- "Second nature": This expression indicates that something has become an instinct or habit.

- "Second to none": It means being the best or unparalleled.

In conclusion

"Second" is a versatile word that can be used to describe a position in a sequence, a unit of time, a person who supports, or an additional opportunity. Its translation in English depends on the specific meaning intended. Hopefully, this article has clarified the meaning of "second" for you!

So next time you come across this word, you will have a better understanding of its various interpretations and how to express them in English.



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